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Ch. Summerlane Elance Black Swallowtail
Cruise was bred by Anne Quinn (Summerlane) and Cherie Hunchak (Elance). He was the sweetest of dogs and left a lasting mark on many hearts. Cruise was let go after a short battle with gastric lymphoma. He will always be the borzoi temperament that I strive for.

Cruise has attended two BCOA National Specialties. At the 2014 Nat in New Mexico, he placed 4th in the 6-9 puppy class (under Jon Steele)  and 2nd in his 6-9 futurity class (under Michelle Rowton). At the 2015 National in OH, he placed 4th in his 21-24 month futurity class ( judge Rhanda Glenn) and second in Open dogs (judge Anne Midgarden, DVM).

Cruise picked up a Best in Puppy Sweeps (and Best Op in Sweeps) at the BCOA TSE in Alexandria, LA in January, 2015. His first time out as a special, he received an Award of Merit at the LSBC Spring Specialty in 2016.

His best feature is his happy, loving, gentle nature. The type of dog that has never met a stranger, Cruise exemplifies what it means to be a gentle giant.
Health Testing:
Eyes: Normal 4/2014
Heart: Normal 5/2015; Normal holter 4/2017
Thyroid: Normal 9/2014, 6/2018
DM: Clear
Full dentition and scissors bite
Brucella: Negative 10/2016

2015 BCOA National - 2nd in 6-9 Futurity

2014 BCOA National - 4th in 6-9 regular class

CH Summerlane Elance Black Swallowtail

2015 BCOA National - 2nd in 6-9 Futurity
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