COVID days
As with the rest of the world, there isn't much to report on so far for 2020. Puppies born in the winter of 2019 kept us home the first couple of months of 2020 (we don't go out to events when we have unvaccinated puppies). By the time we were clear, quarantine hit! A sad event for humans and puppies, who didn't get to socialize as they normally do.
I do have a few updates - "Talia" from Tashtigo x Cinder decided she was going to be my next dock diver! She was able to attend one trial, in which she got a bit shaken by a lunging dog, but picked up 1 leg towards her dock senior. Not too bad for a 10 month old puppy. She is averaging a whopping 20 feet plus during lessons.
A few of the Satara crew, both here and elsewhere, picked up trick dog titles! Congratulations to Ion and Zavyet for their TKN and Rio for his TKI! Sion, Cinder, Hatter, and Leeu picked up their TKN with me.
In April, we brought home our stud fee puppy from the Koei x Georgie litter, the handsome "Leeu" Arion Absinthe Arion at Satara bred by Rita Rice and Kim Ketelson. His own page is coming shortly. We are very pleased with him - great body, great mind, sweet as can be.
Our first show for 2020 was the Lone Star Borzoi Specialty under breeder judge Sandy Simmons-Gamble in September. I entered Cinder, Talia, Snow, and Leeu - it was the first show for the puppies. Talia and Snow were party girls and placed 2nd and 3rd in their class. Leeu did fantastic for a baby puppy at his first show and went Winner's Dog, Best of Winner's, and Best Puppy for his first major! Cinder did well herself, her first show out as a special by going Select Bitch for a 5pt major towards her grand. Photos by Hannah Hix.

Leeu with handler Brooke Ayala

CH Satara's A Dustland Fairytale JC TKN